Saturday, November 7, 2009

Resuable content in Mocrosoft Office Share Point Server 2007

Resuable content in Mocrosoft Office Share Point Server 2007

SharePoint Publishing controls are rich in presenting the information with a rich UI experience. Though these controls like RichHTML provides options to format you text using HTML styles, it will be more helpful if you can have a predefined layout sort or content to place in it with ease,
but they are variable height and require several background images so we are talking about inserting a bit of “complex” html. How can we provide a user friendly interface with as little customisation as possible?

Let us see how we can acheive this using Resuable Lists that comes with MOSS 2007. Remember this comes only with Publishing sites and not for all types of sites.

The styling of the box, including the background images is done via CSS. The header and footer are fixed height, whereas the content area is variable height and has a background image that repeats in the vertical direction.

when you create a site collection using the Publishing Site Site Definition, you should have a list called "Reusable Content" in your root web. You can navigate to it using Site Content and Structure. We will create an item in this list that will be a “template” for our box.

Create a new item by selecting "Reuable HTML" Content Type from the list as shown below:

While creating the new  item do not forget to deselect the check box "Automatic Update", otherwise you will not be able to edit the template content while editing from the target control.

If you want to customize the content after selecting the template click on button edit HTML Source Customize the template to fit your requirement. Click OK will create a new Reusable list item that can be placed withing your RichHTML SharePoint Publishing control.

Now select the template as shown below:

and you are done customize the content by placing the curson at the content area.

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